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All in one serum

All in one serum

All in one serum 故名思義就係咩都有齊哂係入面既一枝精華!


有包住左維他命A, B3, B5, C加E既脂質囊: 會將維他命帶到落皮膚底層吸收!




超緊緻既六胜肰精華: 光滑、緊緻、柔化肌膚,減少皺紋、細紋的出現、延緩肌膚的衰老進程、恢復皮膚光澤度,


出名既蘋果桿細胞: 採用獨特生物科技的雙幹細胞修復機制, 刺激人體皮膚幹細胞再生, 修護老化受損的細胞, 補充細胞所需養分, 使受損細胞得到修護, 減緩細胞衰老, 同時誘導膠原蛋白和彈力蛋白合成, 有效提升細胞生命力.


又有美白成分既熊果素, 對抗黑色素形成!


抗敏感, 保濕, 修復肌膚屏障既分子酊(神經醯胺)!


真係一枝照顧周到既精華, 以後唔駛再買幾枝精華(每枝只有一種功效)係屋企啦!


This serum has the vitamin liposome which contain both water and oil soluble actives which may attach and fuse to the cellular membranes, releasing their contents into the target cells for reducing wrinkles, anti-aging, restore suppleness and reduce spots.


Acetyl Hexapeptide-8 Solution: restricting the potential for wrinkle formation


Apple stem cells: defend and repair its own skin remaining fresh and flavorful


Ceramide Complex: Restores the protective barrier function of the skin


Bearberry extract: contains minerals, vitamins and Arbutin to provide nutrients and reduce pigmentation


Directions: Apply few drops after toner and before putting cream or lotion.


Caution: For external use only. Avoid direct contact with eyes. Store in a dry and dark place. Please do a patch testing on the skin before use. Products may be sensitizing to some individuals. Please use within half year after opening.

  • Main Ingredients

    Distilled water, (Lavender, Chamomile Roman, Palmarosa, Rose) Hydrosol, Hyaluronic Acid, 1,3-Propanediol, Bearberry Extract, Vitamin AB3B5CE Liposome, Acetyl Hexapeptide-8 Solution, Phyto-Biotics Apple (Apple stem cells), Ceramide Complex, Xanthan Gum


    順豐到付, 買滿$500, 順豐免運費

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